
AnugerahMu Mempesona - Franky Kuncoro Feat Alice Grace & Herman Suryanto

AnugerahMu Mempesona
Ciptaan : Ibu Lusia Mogi

Tuhan Kau sungguh besar 
KaryaMu sungguh ajaib 
Tiada hentinya ku mengagumi 
Sungguh Kau ajaib 

Ku mau s'lalu bersyukur kepada-Mu Tuhan 
Anug'rah-Mu mempesonaku 
Selalu dan selalu 
Kau angkat hatiku 
Kau membuatku berharga di mata-Mu 

Ku berharga di mata-Mu Tuhan 
Anug'rah-Mu cukup bagiku 

Gloria Bagi Yang Termulia - Army Of God Worship


Written By: Yoel Christian Budiyono, Ardito Kenanya Hudson, Daniel Budiman Prayogo, Margaret Wu

Dengarlah dan lihatlah 
Berita keselamatan bergema 
Bagi umat manusia 
Penyelamat kita t'lah lahir 
Terang-Nya yang bersinar 
Hapuskan s’gala dosa dunia 
Barangsiapa percaya 
‘kan menerima hidup yang kekal 

Berhimpunlah semua yang bernafas 
Nyanyikanlah pujian bagi sang raja 

Dia datang bagi kita 
Glori Haleluya 
Kasih-Nya sungguh indah 
Bagi dunia 
Bersama bala sorga 
Nyanyi Haleluya 
Gloria bagi yang termulia 

Sambutlah Nama-Nya - Army Of God Worship

Written By: Yoel Christian Budiyono

Seorang anak telah lahir 
Seorang putra t’ lah diberikan 
Lambang pemerintahan 
ada di bahu-Nya 
Dia penebus dunia 
Sambutlah nama-Nya 

Penasihat Ajaib 
Allah yang perkasa 
Penyelamat kita 
Bertahta selamanya 
Sang Bapa yang kekal 
Dialah Raja damai 
Allah Immanuel 
Yesus Kristus Tuhan 

Christmas Is Jesus - Army Of God Worship

Written By: David Amadeus Geraldean

Red and green, white as snow 
Hanging lights and mistletoe 
It is more than just a celebration 
This is what Christmas means to me 

All I want for Christmas is Jesus 
Born in my heart like a baby in a manger 
One present that I want for Christmas 
is Jesus Christ 

Breath of Heaven (All Of A Sudden) Elevation Worship feat. Tiffany Hudson

Breath of Heaven (All Of A Sudden) Elevation Worship feat. Tiffany Hudson 
Christmas album, Echo The Angels
written by Amy Grant & Chris Eaton 

I have traveled many moonless nights 
Cold and weary with a babe inside 
And I wonder what I've done 
Holy Father You have come 
And chosen me now to carry Your Son 

I am waiting in a silent prayer 
I am frightened by the load I bear 
In a world as cold as stone 
Must I walk this path alone 
Be with me now 
Be with me now 

Breath of heaven 
Hold me together 
Be forever near me 
Breath of heaven 
Breath of heaven 
Lighten my darkness 
Pour over me Your holiness 
For You are holy 
Breath of heaven 
Do You wonder as You watch my face 
If a wiser one should have had my place 
But I offer all I am 
For the mercy of Your plan 
Oh help me be strong 
Help me be 
Help me 

I breathe You in 
I breathe You in 
Come fill me Holy Spirit with Your mighty rushing wind 
I breathe You in 
I breathe You in 
When You come all of a sudden 
I am strong again 

Breath of Heaven (All Of A Sudden) Elevation Worship feat. Tiffany Hudson

O Holy Night - Christmas Song

Lyrics O Holy Night:

[Verse 1] 
O Holy night! The stars are brightly shining 
It is the night of our dear Savior's birth 
Long lay the world in sin and error pining 
'Til He appears and the soul felt its worth 
A thrill of hope the weary world rejoices 
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn 
Fall on your knees; O hear the Angel voices! 
O night divine, O night when Christ was born 
O night, O Holy night, O night divine! 

[Verse 2] 
Led by the light of Faith serenely beaming 
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand 
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming 
Here come the Wise Men from Orient land 
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger 
In all our trials born to be our friend 
He knows our need, to our weakness is no stranger 
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend 
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend 

[Verse 3] 
Truly He taught us to love one another; 
His law is love and His Gospel is Peace 
Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother 
And in His name, all oppression shall cease 
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we 
Let all within us Praise His Holy name 
Christ is the Lord; O praise His name forever! 
His power and glory evermore proclaim 
His power and glory evermore proclaim 

Crowns Down - Gateway Worship feat. Josh Baldwin

Crowns Down - Gateway Worship feat. Josh Baldwin 

Album: Crowns Down 
LYRICS By: Christine D'Clario, Josh Baldwin, Mark Harris, Zac Rowe 

[VERSE 1] 
Enthroned in glory, my Savior King 
Your loving kindness has welcomed me 
Though I’m unworthy of majesty 
You wrap the lowly in royalty 

I will lay my crowns down at Your feet 
You are Holy, Holy 
I will give my life as an offering 
You are worthy, so worthy 

[VERSE 2 ]
Here at Your altar to seek Your face 
Broken and poured out without restraint 
In full abandon before my King 
Here I surrender my everything 

Holy, Holy, Holy 
Is the Lamb upon the throne 
We join with all of heaven 
In the everlasting song 

Crowns Down - Gateway Worship feat. Josh Baldwin

Melody - GMS Live

Melody - GMS Live

How lovely's Your dwelling place 
I faint, Lord I'm in Your grace 
My desperate soul yearns deeply and falls 
In Your presence I give all 

One thing I ask of You 
Will you 
let me dwell with You 
And lift my praises to You my Jesus 
That is my heart's desire 

A single day in Your embrace 
I'd rather be than 
A thousand days outside Your place 
Where I can't see Your face 

My Lord Jesus, 
would you come close 
I've got melody 
The tune I'll sing just for You my King 
Yours truly 

Melody - GMS Live

Mighty God - GMS Live

Mighty God - GMS Live 

Wide is the world You made 
The universe You placed 
You hold them in Your hand 
So is my life in you 

Throughout my darkest night, 
You’re always by my side 
My fear is wiped away 
My faith will never sway 

If God is fighting on our side 
Who dares to rise up against us 
My Lord in You my victory resides 

God You radiate your glorious light 
And Your throne is ever standing strong 
Death has been defeated by Your might 
Lord you reign over all 

Now I lift my voice and sing Your praise 
Oh how powerful is your name God 
All my soul will shout out loud Your fame 
And declare 
Jesus You're mighty God 

Mighty God - GMS Live

Happy Birthday - GMS Live

Composed by: Birgitta Carla Sutanto 
Written by: Birgitta Carla Sutanto, Philip Mantofa 
Arranged by: Mario Ronald Tumewu 

Hari ini, hari yang istimewa 
Bersama rayakan bertambahnya usia 
Ku naikan doa tulus dari hatiku 
Kunyanyikan lagu ini hanya untukmu 
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you 
Kuucapkan saranghamnida dan tertawa bersamamu 
Happy birthday, happy birthday to you 
Ku berdoa kau s'lalu bahagia 
Karna Tuhan mengasihimu 

Happy Birthday - GMS Live